how send Sn X-Tool (steep by steep)

1 open software X-Tool

2 find and press "Activate"

3 press"copy to cliboard"(the serial number will be copied automatically)

4 go to your email program and write an email

email address: X-TOOL@X-TOOL.EU

title: Update X-TOOL

in the content of the message:

Press the left mouse button and select paste, or use the keyboard shortcut CTR + V

(serial number will be automatically pasted)


All photographs and descriptions are showing the sold device. Photographs are our property and we aren't giving consent to their copying
legal grounds: D. U. of 94 No. of 24 pos. 83, correction.: Journal of Laws of 94 No. of 43 pos. 170

Professional Device for Odometer Correction